What happens with iOS 14.5 & LAT ?
Since Apple announced the privacy changes coming up at iOS14, LAT (Limit Ad Tracking) has been around the spotlight. In this post, we will open up about LAT and why it matters when IDFA (Identifier for Advertisers) is no longer available. We will also besharing some important insights based on Growth DSP data.
From LAT to ATT
Limit Ad Tracking is just privacy implementation on iOS which has been around since 2016 when releasing the iOS. A user had to enter their iPhone settings under privacy to turn on LAT. When triggered, IDFA is not shared with 3rd parties.With the release of iOS 14, the LAT setting has been replaced with the App Tracking Transparency (ATT) Framework.
The ATT framework calls for all apps to ask the users for their consent to be tracked through a pop-up prompt, and by selecting ‘Allow Tracking’ the IDFA will be shared.
Buying on LAT/non-IDFA traffic
As LAT is fully gone, the thought of having no access to IDFA under LAT is the sameas beneath the ATT framework. Comparing Limited Ad tracking traffic and its performance against IDFA, traffic has been a big focal point for marketers and advertising partners in the last months. Thanks to these tests we can figure out how to overcome the IDFA-less mobile advertising ecosystem and keep furnishing strong performing mobile advertising responses to marketers. We’ve worked to try and measure, putting in a bid on LAT stock within the past months. In the Growth DSP, we’ve seen ad invest in LAT traffic expand by more than 50%
LAT trends
As Growth DSP is among the top built-in mobile marketing SDK available in the market, we analyzed our mobile app inventory data to check out the development of LAT impressions within the last nine months. We found a raise in Limited Ad Tracking impressions going from 17% to over 30% of most worldwide impressions on iOS.
We also discovered that all of LAT impressions stick to the exact same worldwide trend, whenever looking at the quantity of them on our top four nations by impression volume.
We suggest to start testing LAT against non-LAT user acquisition methods once we approach the privacy changes coming with iOS 14.5.
The evolving future of LAT
We have yet to observe how big a share of impressions that will not have IDFA available.In the future, non-IDFA traffic or LAT traffic will continue to be an integral buying strategy for Growth and many of our marketers, purchasers, and demand partners.Purchasing techniques on LAT traffic are further optimized with contextual signals to ensure marketers and buyers will continue to find valuable users on iOS 14 and achieve their expected ROI.
We encourage app publishers to review their waterfall pricing using their demand partner for their iOS inventory, and marketers to start testing buying strategies on LAT against non-LAT traffic, in order to compare campaign performance and gain insights prior to the release of iOS 14.5