In-App Bidding: Interest Increasing, More Pubs Testing
For a very good reason, in-app bidding is one of the hottest topics in mobile marketing: it can at the same time increase revenue, decrease workload, and also present better access to information to publishers and advertisers.
You might ask yourself, what an in-app bidding or unified auction is. Well, simply put, it is an auction enabling every demand partner to bid simultaneously for each impression. This is a big step up coming from the traditional waterfall, where demand sources are sequentially rated, and just when the partner at the very top cannot fill the impression it goes directly to the next advertisement network.
More publishers than ever before find out about in-app bidding
The number of publishers that claimed not to be familiar with in-app bidding, has fallen by 15%, reaching a total of 23%. In the meantime, a total of 67% of publishers are somehow familiar with the idea of in-app bidding.
If you want to get more familiar with in-app bidding, please reach out.
A few pubs use in-app bidding; more move to third-party solutions
The number of publishers making use of third-party in-app bidding almost quadrupled. On the other hand, the number of the ones using their own in-house exchange or bidding decreased.
This drop may not be permanent, as around 22% of respondents also claimed that they are considering constructing their proper in-house bidding or exchange platform, for reasons like increasing transparency or gaining more control. In any case, the process of constructing a bidding platform is not as easy as one could imagine, which is why more publishers in 2019 are using third-party solutions.